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Passed step 3 with flying colors - 未名空间精华区
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Passed step 3 with flying colors

发信人: costanza (doggi), 信区: MedicalCareer
标 题: Passed step 3 with flying colors
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Mar 17 13:12:44 2006)

Have to rush step 3 in 2 weeks due to my lethal visa issue. Got the result (90
) on the same day with my match result, barely catch the deadline the program
set for the visa.

Only use usmleworld, did all qs and ccs in 2 wks. the key for success is, I
guess, clinical experience. It is impossible for you to study most contents in
a short time because the test covers everywhere, especially in management.
Your gut feeling may guide you through. and all ccs are simple. My clinical
experience in China really helps me a lot.

So if you have similar background like me, you can pass without sweat in a
short time. But if you haven't done a solid clinical training (you need at
least 2 years in China, one year US), you may need serious study, 2 or 3
months may be OK. I saw too many examples, fresh graduates with double 95+
barely passed it or even failed it.

Now after 4 mon


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